Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Loot

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Loot! 2005 Auntie Poo and GMom (Grandma Lilge) went a little nuts!!!! Blogger is refusing to accept the photos of the Christmas loot so we'll take this opportunity to thank:
Unca Jay and Auntie Margie for the loan of their crib and change table.
Auntie Deb for the baby swing.
Auntie Pam and Uncle Sandford ( ) for the loving loan and hand me downs of so many things.... infant car seat, bath tub, vibrating chair, crib comfort set, clothes, stroller if we need it, high chair if we need it.... and so many other things! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Muah!

Shane and Becky are currently working on creating a baby registry at Babies 'R' Us. We'll post the URL when it's ready.
Christmas Eve 2005

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The latest Ultrasound done December 21st, 2005!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

DID YOU KNOW that If you CLICK on a PHOTO it will open a larger version of that photo?
DID YOU KNOW that you can post a message by clicking on the word COMMENT? It will also automatically be sent to Shane and Becky.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Week 34 !! Getting close... only 6 more weeks to due date. (taken Dec. 17/05)

Week 32 (taken Dec. 4/05)

Week 31 (taken Nov. 26/05)

Week 29 (taken Nov. 5)